Padma’s inaugural project began during the Maoist revolution in Nepal and focused on securing safe housing, rehabilitation resources, and school placement for at-risk homeless children. The majority of these children were displaced by the years of conflict and struggled to survive on the chaotic and dangerous streets of the Kathmandu Valley.
Over the years in Nepal we have continued to manage children’s homes, sponsor school and food costs for underprivileged children, operate substance abuse recovery and gang violence reduction programs, build greenhouses in the Himalayas, deliver thousands of pounds of food to remote villages, and rebuild structures following the devastating 2015 Nepal earthquakes.
Over the years in Nepal we have continued to manage children’s homes, sponsor school and food costs for underprivileged children, operate substance abuse recovery and gang violence reduction programs, build greenhouses in the Himalayas, deliver thousands of pounds of food to remote villages, and rebuild structures following the devastating 2015 Nepal earthquakes.